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Translating Novashare

Novashare translation files are located in the novashare/languages directory. In the languages folder, you’ll find any existing translation files along with our novashare.pot translation template file, which you can use as a template for your translation. We suggest using Poedit to help create your translation files.

Please submit both .po and .mo translation files once you have done the translation work from the provided template and name them in the following format.

  • novashare-en_US.po

If you are interested in helping with the translation, please contact us first.

Checking for translation changes

Poedit itself does not have a built-in feature to automatically notify you when new blank strings are available for translation. But you can check for untranslated strings.

1. Open your .po file in Poedit.
2. Go to Catalog → Update from sources. Poedit will scan the defined paths for new strings, and any new blank (untranslated) strings will be added to your .po file.

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