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Novashare button style combinations

Below are just a few of the many different button style combinations you can create with Novashare.

Inline solid squared

Inline solid squared with 5 column layout
Inline solid squared with 5 column layout

Inline inverse squared

Inline inverse squared with 5 column layout
Inline inverse squared with 5 column layout

Inline bordered label squared

Inline bordered label squared with 5 column layout
Inline bordered label squared with 5 column layout

Inline bordered button squared

Inline bordered button squared with 5 column layout
Inline bordered button squared with 5 column layout

Inline minimal label squared

Inline minimal label squared with 5 column layout
Inline minimal label squared with 5 column layout

Inline minimal squared

Inline minimal square with 5 column layout
Inline minimal square with 5 column layout

Inline solid rounded

Inline solid rounded with 5 column layout
Inline solid rounded with 5 column layout

Inline inverse rounded

Inline inverse rounded with 5 column layout
Inline inverse rounded with 5 column layout

Inline bordered label rounded

Inline bordered label rounded with 5 column layout
Inline bordered label rounded with 5 column layout

Inline bordered button rounded

Inline bordered button rounded with 5 column layout
Inline bordered button rounded with 5 column layout

Inline minimal label rounded

Inline minimal label rounded with 5 column layout
Inline minimal label rounded with 5 column layout

Inline minimal rounded

Inline minimal rounded with 5 column layout
Inline minimal rounded with 5 column layout

Inline solid circular

Inline solid circular with 5 column layout
Inline solid circular with 5 column layout

Inline inverse circular

Inline inverse circular with 5 column layout
Inline inverse circular with 5 column layout

Inline bordered label circular

Inline bordered label circular with 5 column layout
Inline bordered label circular with 5 column layout

Inline bordered button circular

Inline bordered button circular with 5 column layout
Inline bordered button circular with 5 column layout

Inline minimal label circular

Inline minimal label circular with 5 column layout
Inline minimal label circular with 5 column layout

Inline minimal circular

Inline minimal circular with 5 column layout
Inline minimal circular with 5 column layout

You can also customize the button layout.

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