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How to configure UTM parameters for Google Analytics

Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) parameters allow you to track the source of the traffic for your social shares in Google Analytics. For example, if someone clicks on your Twitter button to share it, it will be appended with the following information.

You can then filter the traffic in Google Analytics based on source, medium, and campaign. This feature is optional, and works better if you also set up link shortening. This way your URLs won’t look long and ugly.

Enable UTM tracking

Follow the steps below to enable UTM tracking.

Step 1

Click into the Novashare plugin settings.

Novashare plugin settings
Novashare plugin settings

Step 2

Click on the “Configuration” submenu.

Novashare configuration
Novashare configuration

Step 3

Scroll down to the “Google Analytics” section. Toggle on the option “Enable UTM Tracking.” Note: This is disabled by default.

Enable Google Analytics UTM tracking in Novashare
Enable Google Analytics UTM tracking in Novashare

Step 4

Scroll down and click “Save Changes.”

Campaign UTM source

The value of the UTM source parameter added to your social sharing links. Use {{network}} to dynamically populate the value with the relative social network. Note: The default is {{network}}.

Campaign UTM source in Novashare
Campaign UTM source in Novashare

Campaign UTM medium

The value of the UTM medium parameter added to your social sharing links. Note: The default is social.

Campaign UTM medium in Novashare
Campaign UTM medium in Novashare

Campaign UTM name

The value of the UTM name parameter added to your social sharing links. Note: The default is novashare.

Campaign UTM name in Novashare
Campaign UTM name in Novashare
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