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  4. How to migrate social share data to Novashare from other plugins

How to migrate social share data to Novashare from other plugins

When coming from another social media plugin, it can be helpful to migrate over old share count data. We have a standalone migrator plugin you can use. 

Migrating social share counts to Novashare
Migrating social share counts to Novashare

Remember, you might not even need a migrator. That’s because most of the social share count data is stored on the network itself. Therefore, it should be pulled across again once you set up and enable share counts in Novashare.

Migration support

Currently, we support migrating data over from the following third-party WordPress plugins:

Share countsPost metaPinterest images
Hubbub (previously Grow Social)
Social Snap
Social Warfare (3.0.0+)

Because our migrator is relatively new, we ask that you reach out to us, and we can help guide you through the process.

We are continuously improving the data sets and third-party plugins we support with our migrator.

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