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  4. How to combine HTTP and HTTPS social share counts

How to combine HTTP and HTTPS social share counts

If you’ve migrated from HTTP to HTTPS at any point in time, you probably have a lot of social share counts attached to the HTTP version of your URLs. Facebook and Pinterest treat HTTP and HTTPS URLs as completely separate.

You can combine your HTTP and HTTPS social share counts in the Novashare plugin so you don’t lose any data. Not sure if you have any shares on your HTTP version? Check out our documentation on how to manually check your social share counts.

Use case example

Here is an example of combining HTTP and HTTPS social share counts.

Previous domain: (39 total shares)
Current domain: (23 total shares)

The new total share count would be 62 (39 + 23).

Combine HTTP and HTTPS social share counts

Follow the steps below to combine HTTP and HTTPS social share counts. You only need to do this if you had a previous version of your domain running on HTTP.

Step 1

Click into the Novashare plugin settings.

Novashare plugin settings
Novashare plugin settings

Step 2

Click on the “Configuration” submenu.

Novashare configuration
Novashare configuration

Step 3

Scroll down to the “Share Count Recovery” section. Toggle on “Combine HTTP & HTTPS.”

Combine HTTP & HTTPS
Combine HTTP & HTTPS

Step 4

Scroll down and click “Save Changes.”

Recovering additional social share counts

If you’ve made multiple changes to your site, there might be additional social share counts you want to recover. Here are a few:

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