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  4. How to manually check your social share counts

How to manually check your social share counts

Not seeing the correct number of shares on your WordPress site? Make sure you’ve gone through our troubleshooting checklist first.

Below we’ll show you how to manually check them. Remember, if you chose a less frequent share count refresh rate, it could be that you simply need to wait a few hours for the data to show up for the first time. You can also manually refresh the count on an individual post.

Important: If you’ve migrated from HTTP to HTTPS or changed your domain from www to non-www, you can also look these up by updating the URL. Most networks treat these as separate URLs.

Check Facebook share counts

There are two ways to check your Facebooks share counts.

Check Facebook share counts using Debugger Tool

Follow these steps below to check your Facebook share counts using the Debugger Tool.

  1. Launch the Facebook Debugger.
  2. Input your URL and click “Debug.”

It will scrape your URL and return data associated with it. The engagements and or share counts should show in the “Canonical URL” field.

Facebook share counts with the debugger
Facebook share counts with the debugger

Check Facebook share counts using your token

Follow the steps below to check your Facebook share counts using your token. You’ll first need a Facebook developer app set up.

Once you have your app, go to Facebook’s Graph API Explorer.

  1. If your app isn’t already selected, select your Facebook App from the drop-down.
  2. Under “User or Page” select “App Token.”
  3. Click “Generate Access Token.”
Facebook Generate Access Token
Facebook Generate Access Token

In your browser’s address bar, paste the following and update it with the URL you are checking and your access token.

It will return an array with your total engagement counts on Facebook.

Facebook share count
Facebook share count

If you get the following error, it means you hit your Facebook app limit.

(#4) Application request limit reached

Even though we stagger requests, this can sometimes happen on a brand new site when first setting it up. The longer you run Novashare, the fewer requests it generates. No worries, the limits reset every hour, so you can check back in a little bit to confirm everything is working again. You can also change the share count refresh rate if needed.

Check Pinterest share counts

To check your Pinterest share counts, paste the following in your browser’s address bar. Update it with the URL you are checking.

It will return an array with your total share count on Pinterest.

Pinterest share count
Pinterest share count

Check Twitter share counts

The following assumes you have set up a Twitter count service (TwitCount or OpenShareCount) at some point for your site.


To check your Twitter share counts using TwitCount, paste the following in your browser’s address bar. Update it with the URL you are checking.

It will return an array with your total share count on Twitter.

Twitter share count with TwitCount
Twitter share count with TwitCount


To check your Twitter share counts using OpenShareCount, paste the following in your browser’s address bar. Update it with the URL you are checking.

It will return an array with your total share count on Twitter.

Twitter share count with OpenShareCount
Twitter share count with OpenShareCount

Check Buffer share counts

To check your Buffer share counts, paste the following in your browser’s address bar. Update it with the URL you are checking.

It will return an array with your total shares on Buffer.

Check Reddit share counts

To check your Reddit share counts, paste the following in your browser’s address bar. Update it with the URL you are checking.

It will return an array with a total score, if there are any. Otherwise the array will be blank.

Check Tumblr share counts

To check your Tumblr share counts, paste the following in your browser’s address bar. Update it with the URL you are checking. Note: it requires an encoded URL.

It will return an array with the total note_count.

Tumblr share count
Tumblr share count

Check VK share counts

To check your VK share counts, paste the following in your browser’s address bar. Update it with the URL you are checking.

It will return an array with the total VK.Share.count.

VK share count
VK share count

Check Yummly share counts

To check your Yummly share counts, paste the following in your browser’s address bar. Update it with the URL you are checking.

It will return an array with the total count.

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